
Good article by one of McCain's key people on the corporate-owned and coroporate-controlled Bush administration:

NDOL: Under the Corporate Influence by Marshall Wittman

Republicans had a big problem going into the 2000 election. The anti-government and anti-communist glue that had bound the conservative movement was dissolving. Whatever his weaknesses, Clinton had taken away the easy targets for conservative attacks on Democrats. After years of denying there were any New Democrats or that there was any Third Way, most Republicans knew they had to change.

They were offered two paths. The first, provided by Sen. John McCain, was to recapture the legacy of President Theodore Roosevelt, by advocating government as an agent of "national greatness" and insisting on reform of government and of corporate influence on government. The second, provided by Bush (and backed by conservative ideologues, K Street, and the Christian right), was to change the face of the Republican Party rather than its ideology. The Republican faithful -- or more accurately, a few thousand primary voters in South Carolina -- chose the path of least resistance.