
John McCain lays out ways to make business more honest in America.

Salon.com Politics | The McCain solution

Patriotism in this country is not nor should it ever be merely a sentimental attachment to blood and soil. Our love of country is a love of ideals. The values of freedom inspire our patriotism: government derived from the consent of the governed; an economic system that is an open market for creativity, innovation, competition, and self-improvement.

Americans have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that a nation conceived in liberty will always be stronger, wealthier, more just, and happier than any nation that rations liberty to exalt the few at the expense of the many. We are the greatest nation in history because we trust in freedom. We trust that a people who are free to act in their self-interest will perceive their interest in an enlightened way, and use their wealth and power to create a civilization in which all people can share in the opportunities and responsibilities of freedom.